Dogbane Beetle


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welcome to the blog!

an infrequent peek into the minds eye. learn a thing or two about your beloved webmasters or find some intresting blackmail. this is our private corner of the internet where we like to talk about ourselves and the personal world around us! call it a life update or a blogpost. have a click around, and admire nines spelling mistakes!

yann takes on may - YANN

- 07/05/2024

Hello wonderful people of the blog. Been a hot minute since I've posted something on here but luckily I have Nine9 to do all the heavy lifting while I lounge about. A lot has changed since I last posted, maybe most importantly that I have left Leeds, now... whether this is a good or a bad thing I am not sure yet but (hopefully) I am moving on to bigger and better things.

Now I've got my lil intro out the way let's get into the juicy shit!!
This year has been... pfft well, a total shit show! BUT things are looking up. April was confusing and now here in May things are starting to clear up. In my mind I feel like I now know myself a bit better and am starting to feel more like an adult.

That's about all the shit I can be arsed writing abt loving but trust there is too much to count and I am coming out of my winter cave to bask in the glory of the spring/summer sun.

Love you all beautiful readers (and I'm sure Nine9 does too), until next time... stay safe and get out of that bloody bed and sit in the sun for an hour or two!!

january more like shituary - NINE9

- 03/02/2024

Hello? Ugh everything has been awful atm!!! Why has January got to ruin everyone's life?! Okay well, happy new year! How was everyone's holiday? Mine was beautiful i hope yours was too. January however, not so much. Not to get into the deets but wow was that not a brilliant start of the year. Its made me think tho, and its hard not to be pessimistic. So thats what im doing haha, cba to optimistic. But also i forget it is the just start of the year, im so excited for summer and everything before and after, im just kinda bummed that i had to cry today. Listening to “greasing up by DRINKS” i highly recommend. Im only putting this here because yan hasnt updated the music page. Smh. im currently working on the shrines page but dont look at it yet its still raw. ANYWAY! Happy february, hope not everyone had an awful January haha but yk, lets do something cool this year, like try smoking crack or skydying!

winter snakes - NINE9

- 3/10/2023

its autumn already?!? holy shit. well thats wild, i though i had a few weeks left of summer, even tho its been raining every day this week. are we excited for halloween? i know i am although i have no one to hang with :'( (yann doesnt count) my favourite thing about when the weather starts to turn is the taste in the air. you can literally tatse the rain on the horizon, its brilliant. ive never felt more powerful than when i accurately predict the weather just with a sniff, im like a snake sensing changes in the atmosphere. would i suit a forked tongue?

- 28/09/2023

Disco/Rave Spoons, Leeds - this is a solid 2/5 from me. On one hand it's a Spoons so cheap as chips and u know what ur getting but also... if u go on a Friday or any day that students go out (insider knowledge tells me this is everyday) you are doomed to drown in a sea of sweaty freshly-18 year-old bodies